Francine Beauvoir, Ph.D.
 Bruce Crapuchettes, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologists
Imago Relationship Therapy Clinical Training
Professional Training Program in Couples Therapy

This Page:
What is Imago Therapy?:
What therapists say:
Clinical Track::
Certification Requirements:
Educational Objectives:
Course Requirements:
Graduate permissions and benefits:
Educational (Non-clinical) Track:
What is Imago Therapy?:
Imago Relationship Therapy was developed by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., and is a systematic theory of marriage and marital/relationship therapy that powerfully synthesizes major aspects of depth psychology, object relations, systems theory, behavioral and Gestalt psychology, and humanistic-existential theory.  It extends the understanding of unconscious meaning, self-organization and relational dynamics into a systematic theory of people in committed relationships.  IRT is a pragmatic therapy that will give you effective tools to work with clients and to empower them on their journey of healing and reclaiming wholeness.  Couples can learn specific skills to assist each other in healing childhood wounds that affect present-day relationships, to create emotional safety and intimacy in their relationship, to move from reactivity to intentionality, and to renew the love, the passion, and the possibility of their life together.
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What some recognized Imago Therapists say about this training program:

"As a trainer in the area of marriage and family therapy, I can say  unequivocally that Imago Relationship Therapy is the most effective model for understanding and improving relationships.  It works!" 
Pat Love, Ed.D., Austin Texas Author of Hot Monogamy 
Director of Austin Family Institute 
President, International Assn. of Marriage & Family Therapy 

 "Dr. Hendrix, Ph.D. is the innovative thinker behind this comprehensive and effective method for conducting couples therapy.  Author of the best selling "Getting The Love You Want: a guide for couples"  he has developed a sound theory and practice that makes sense out of this difficult specialty. The Institute For Imago Relationship Therapy (IIRT) in Florida is now offering two training programs in one, a clinical track for therapists and an educational track for others who want to use the skills in their workplace or just may desire the training for personal growth. I have been in private practice for over 20 years.  Because I have used Imago Relationship Therapy since 1983 with clients, I can attest to the effectiveness and power in this model." 
Joyce Buckner, Ph.D.  
Clinical Psychologist Arlington, Texas
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I.  Clinical Track 
This 12 day training will assist you as clinicians to become skilled in  applying this therapy when working with couples.  It will focus on Imago  clinical procedures, clinical demonstrations and review of participants'  cases. 

The Clinical Track is designed for all those who eventually would like to  become a Certified Imago Therapist.  You may enter the Clinical Track as soon as you like in your clinical training program.
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Certification Requirements: 
To become a Certified Imago Therapist and be eligible for clinical membership in the Institute For Imago Relationship Therapy (IIRT) you will need to:  

Educational Objectives: 

        To train professionals to understand the history and dynamics of adult intimate relationships and to understand: 
        - how we defend ourselves from childhood pain by developing character adaptations which influence adult relationships; 
        - how the unconscious forces that draw two individuals together for healing are also the source of their conflict; 
        - the importance of the recovery of empathy through the mechanism of dialogue; 
        - and much more
Clinical Skills: 
        To learn how to facilitate processes between couples that promote  communication that is safe, healing and growth producing and also learn how to facilitate: 
        - "Initial Interview" and "Couples Dialogue" 
        - "Parent/Child Dialogue" and "Holding Exercise" 
        - the restructuring of frustrations with "Behavior Change Request Dialogues" 
        - the resolving of anger with the "Container Exercise." 
        - cognitive vs affective material 
        - and much more 

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Course Requirements 
        * Attend twelve eight-hour days of intensive training 
        * Participate in training exercises and small groups 
        * Complete assigned readings 
        * During later sessions, present video tape samples of your work with couples for supervision 
        * Receive positive evaluations 
        * Execute an "Understandings and Agreements" contract 
        * Serve as clinical support staff in a 20 hour couples workshop within one year of course completion.
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Graduate permissions and benefits 
If graduates of the clinical training program qualify, they may apply to the  IIRT in Florida six months after completion of course work and join as a Clinical Member of the Institute (this requires a yearly membership fee plus continuing education to maintain certification).  This distinction qualifies  them to call themselves Certified Imago Therapists and allows them to be  listed in the Imago Directory, receive the Journal Of Imago Relationship  Therapy plus other privileges. 
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II.  Educational Track (Non-Clinical training)
This training is also suitable for non-clinicians who want to broaden their  experience and capabilities in applying the Imago techniques in any business or professional setting.  You will gain an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of relationship and their application to the workplace and increase productivity. 

To participate in this training program and to be eligible to become an 
Educational Member of IIRT you will need to: 
        * have participated in the 20 hour "Getting The Love You Want - Couples Workshop"** 
        * submit two letters of recommendation from professionals on letterhead stationary that affirms you can assimilate graduate level education with profit and would be a contribution to a class of graduate level clinicians. 
** Couples Workshop participation must be completed with your spouse or  intimate partner from an Imago certified workshop presenter.  If you do not have a partner, a friend, relative or colleague will qualify.  A Singles  Workshop may not be attended to fulfill this requirement.  This requirement must be completed prior to Session 1 of the Training Program and is not subject to waiver. 
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